Amazing Avocados

- “Guac is extra.” It’s something we’ve all heard before! But did you know avocados really do contain extra nutrients?

Avocados are full of nearly 20 different vitamins. You can even get more potassium by eating an avocado than a banana! Avocados also contain magnesium, fatty acids, fiber, vitamin C, and lots of other nutrients. Whether you’re eating them raw with salt, pepper, and cayenne, spreading them on toast, or mashing them up to make a zesty guacamole, avocados make a healthy and delicious addition to any meal. They are also known to reduce risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Looking for some extra energy? Skip the coffee and try eating an avocado! They are known to boost energy and even help decrease depression. This is because avocados contain folate, a nutrient that prevents homocysteine buildup. A buildup in homocysteine impairs the brain’s creation of serotonin and dopamine. Plus, avocados are known to aid in weight loss due to their monounsaturated fat and high fiber content, which makes you feel full. Next time you’re looking for a tasty snack that’s also great for your body, consider buying some avocados! Try making avocado boats stuffed with eggs and bacon for breakfast or caprese avocado toast for lunch. You’ll be surprised at how great you feel!
Remember these tips for selecting the perfect avocado!
- Softly squeeze the avocado. It should be slightly squishy but still firm, and definitely not mushy.
Looking to buy avocados to use throughout the week? Look for firm, green avocados that aren’t ripe yet.
Know that many varieties of avocados grow throughout the world! Avocados fall into either A-type of B-type cultivars, depending on how the avocado tree pollinated. The different types of avocados may have varying tastes, shapes, and colors.

Rachel Freeman is a storyteller and editor living in sunny St. Petersburg, Florida. She is the current Marketing and Communications Manager at The Florida Holocaust Museum. Rachel graduated from The University of South Florida, St. Petersburg in 2019 with a Bachelor’s in Journalism and Digital Communications and a minor in Leadership Studies. In college and after graduation, Rachel has applied her passion for storytelling to work as a freelance journalist, creative strategist, social media specialist, and editor.