For the bigger jobs, offer incentives that will propel them into wanting to complete their chores for the promise of something fun or tasty in return like going to the park or getting a little extra screen time.

The best way to get kids engaged in completing their chores is by making it fun! If you have multiple children, have them race each other to see who can clean up a room the fastest. Stream or sing a clean-up song while you clean. Play Eye-Spy. Get creative.
When all else fails, give the kids options. Allowing them to choose what sort of chores they will complete each day, keeps things interesting and less mundane than a set chore schedule. Children will be more likely to complete chores they don’t mind doing – and you’ll hear a whole lot less whining about it, too! That’s a win-win in my book!
Sarah McCormick
Sarah McCormick is a published writer and blogger from South Florida. At 35 years old, she is a wife, mother, and small business owner. A few of her favorite things include strong coffee, whipping up something delicious in the kitchen, watching a good movie, belting lyrics to her favorite songs (and probably missing most of the high notes) and spending time with her crazy, wild family.