Finding the Calm within the Chaos

- Does your holiday season look like this: wrapping paper and piles of presents strewn everywhere, mad dashes through over-crowded malls, an overloaded calendar and a list of people you need to get back to?

Thanksgiving turns into Christmas, and Christmas turns into New Year’s. And, before we know it, another year has gone and a new one has begun – we go from carving the Thanksgiving turkey to toasting in the New Year, in a blink of an eye. This is the most stressful time of the year, but oddly (for the most part,) we look forward to the holiday season.
It can be incredibly difficult to step back from the madness to breathe, but we have to do it. When our patience runs thin, and we are completely overwhelmed and run down, our relationships with our loved ones are left strained. In the midst of the holiday hustle and bustle, our kids feel, and take on, our stress. When we allow the things that mean the most to us to get lost in the season’s chaos, we lose sight of what’s truly important during this time of year – family, love, a giving heart and kindness. And, we forget what this season is about – celebrating the birth of Christ!
How can we be thankful, focus on our blessings, give to those that are less fortunate, accomplish everything that needs to be done… and still savor every moment? We change the course of our holiday history – we be the change! We set a positive example for our loved ones and we slow down and focus on the moments that mean the most! After all, our children and our families are worth more than what money can buy!
When we redirect the energy we use for Christmas light wars with the neighbors and maxing out credit cards, to re-find the reason for the season, we don’t get as lost in the holiday chaos. And, when we show our loved ones what Christmas is really about, we share this incredible message of joy and giving, with them. And, they pass this on to others.
Let’s set the example for our children, so they will help carry on our traditions and values for generations to come. We only get right now to make big impacts; time isn’t promised to any of us. When we pass around love, we can watch hearts grow. It’s the little things that mean the most. In the end, it’s the smallest, most humbling things that truly count!

Sarah McCormick is a published writer and blogger from South Florida. At 35 years old, she is a wife, mother, and small business owner. A few of her favorite things include strong coffee, whipping up something delicious in the kitchen, watching a good movie, belting lyrics to her favorite songs (and probably missing most of the high notes) and spending time with her crazy, wild family.