Actor Scott Patterson is Inspiring the Coffee Industry in His Own Way

What inspired you to go from owning a diner on TV to creating a real-life coffee company?
I got tired of drinking high-priced/low-quality coffee that I had to pour a ton of sugar into, so I decided to create my own brand. I knew I could do it better, and I’m glad that I can now offer great quality at an affordable price. It’s also a homage to my family. Some of my best memories are of sitting around a fireplace, sipping hot coffee and telling stories. My mom was a great storyteller. My company is an extension of that tradition.
What does Scotty P’s Big Mug Coffee line include?
Right now we are offering K-Cups in two blends —Breakfast Blend and French Roast. We are coming out with a House Blend in a 12 ounce ground that will knock your socks off. This house blend will also contain an organic, all-natural additive that will not only deepen and enhance flavor and improve your health, but will also help clean up the environment in source countries and create jobs all along the supply chain. It’s going to change coffee drinking as we know it, and we are very excited about this because it blows away anything our customers have tasted to date.
Did you have a favorite diner growing up?
There was a diner in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, that is still very popular. It was our gathering place.
What is your favorite memory from going on a road trip?
More than one, and they all involve skiing. I used to chase snowstorms in Utah and Colorado in my truck from 1995–2014. Every winter I’d make multiple road trips to the Rockies and Wasatch Mountain Ranges and watch for storms moving in. Earned me a lot of glorious powder days. I’ll resume these trips once my boy is old enough to partake.
Do you have other memories from growing up that you associate with diners and/or coffee?
Coffee with my mom, figuring stuff out as a teen, coffee with friends at the diner. Saturdays after a high school football game we’d all go to the diner and stuff our faces. Fifty of us having laughs. Good times.
What do you enjoy doing when you have some down time?
Skiing, writing and performing music, writing screenplays and TV pilots, investing….I’m working on a book deal in financial literacy, which I see as a massive problem. I also collect rare books and am obsessed with finding anything original by Rimbaud. [I am] also an art and photography lover. My photography collection is growing rapidly.
As a father, how has parenthood changed you?
In profound ways. A child exponentially deepens your capacity to love and also requires you to learn the art of patience. He is truly a miracle.
What is your funniest parenting moment?
The other night, my wife was having difficulty getting my son to go upstairs for his bath. He wanted a mini ice cream sandwich first. I walked into the kitchen and told her I’d handle it, and she went upstairs to draw the bath. Once alone, I made a pact with him — I’d give him the ice cream sandwich under two conditions: One, that he would not tell his mommy I gave it to him. And two, that he immediately go upstairs once finished. He agreed. As soon as he took the last bite, my wife walked in and said to him, “What’s on your fingers?” He quietly said, “Daddy gave me an ice cream sandwich.” That was a good laugh. My boy gave me up in a heartbeat.
How do you take your coffee?
I only drink mine on a regular basis—black. Because it doesn’t need any help.
Scotty P’s Big Mug Coffee is available at and on